A Note to all SRHS Band Members ...

Well, by now you have obviously found that there is a web site out here for the band. What you may not realize though, is how much you are able to influence this site. I encourage any and all members who come across this site to tell me what you think of it. Just email me or tell me at school or whatever. I want this site to be what everyone wants it to be. In other words, if you don't like something about the site, or have some great idea or something, please don't hesitate to tell me! Also, I could use any and all the band pictures  you have that you think would help to represent our bands on the web. Anything from just basic pictures of people marching to wacky pictures of what we do in our free time are appreciated, just nothing inappropriate. It has been requested that we try to keep from posting too many up close pictures that you can clearly identify the identity of people in. Remember, this site serves as a representation to the world of what our band is all about. Please take some time to look around and explore the site. You never know, you just might find out something new!

ATTENTION: Anyone interested in either taking over this site or forming a committee to update it needs to e-mail me at jwillis@vt.edu. As most of you know, I graduated last year, and it would be nearly impossible for me to keep up with all of the latest marching band gossip and news. I would be more than happy to help you with learning how HTML works and how to use Freeservers HTML editor.

SRHS Marching Band Members, Don't Forget...

Practice makes perfect! Attend as many practices as you can!

SRHS Symphonic and Concert Band Members, Don't Forget...
to practice at least once a week. Your first concert (don't hold me to this or anything) will probably be in December. That does NOT mean, however, that you should wait until then to learn your music!

SRHS Indoor Drumline Members, Don't Forget...
to look forward to next Spring, when you can win first place again!

Words from the first webmaster:

Finally! Those of you who know me know why I am so glad to finally have a new webmaster for this site. I (the old webmaster) graduated from Staunton River last year (1999) and have been trying for almost 8 months to get a new webmaster. I now attend Virginia Tech which makes it very hard to keep up with what is going on at home. I am of course somewhat saddened by relinquishing control of this site, but also at the same time very relieved. Thank you very much to the new webmaster(s). (Matt)

Email questions and comments to - webmaster@srhsband.freeservers.com

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