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The SRHS Marching Golden Eagles are performing "The Music Of Bill Chase" this year, read furthur to find out more details!

This Year's Show

The show features the music of legendary trumpet player Bill Chase. Bill Chase came to fame performing with Maynard Ferguson's groups. He then branched off with his on group. Mr. Chase died in a tragic airplane accident.


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Marching Band Statistics

Here is a list of some general information about this years show and the band itself. Enjoy!

This Year's Songs:
1. "Open Up Wide" by Scott Boerma, Arranger's Publishing Co
2. "Hand Bags and Gladrags" by Scott Boerma, Arranger's Publishing Co
3. "Get It On" by Scott Boerma and Chris Cockerall, Arranger's Publishing Co

Total number of members:(Information still pending, will be available soon)
                                  Brass: 19
                        Woodwinds: 22
                          Percussion: 12
                       Color Guard: 7

Total number of drill sets: 50

Total number of public performances: 13

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Performance Schedule

September 27--Stonewall Showcase of Bands (Staunton, VA)
October 3--Amherst Football Game-Home
October 4--Franklin County Invitational and BCI (JFHS)
October 10--Jefferson Forest-Away
October 11--George Wythe Band Competition
October 17--Heritage--HOMECOMING
October 24--Brookville-Away
October 25--JMU Parade of Champions
November 1--Altavista Band Competition
November 7--Liberty-Home

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Attention all SRHS Band Members! I need your pictures!